Cloyce Martin

Cloyce Martin has just started his Rotary journey, and brings a fresh perspective to all the things the North East Orange County Rotary Club can and will be! He is passionate about working with youth groups for community projects, and is excited to partner with Orange Home Grown market and garden to host youth gardening classes and food demonstrations. 

He loves everything that has to do with the outdoors and nature. He hopes to work with other Rotarians to host special events to encourage students to get outdoors and experience nature for themselves, while always leaving minimal impact on every place that is visited. 

At an early age, he developed a passion for food and the culinary arts. He’s now been working in the culinary industry for over 8 years, working at Michelin-rated restaurants in the US and abroad. He runs his own private food service/catering company, planning special events, consulting for restaurants, and working as a private chef in homes and on yachts. His experience developing his own personal brand has bolstered his knowledge of business management and organizational growth. 

While food and the outdoors are his passions, he’s been employed in multiple capacities. He’s worked for years as a sales representative for various companies and directed the marketing department for a 7-figure private sales organization. 

Cloyce is looking forward to a fun and productive experience as an advisor for NEOC Rotary Club!