Anna Phan

Anna is a seasoned tax attorney and accounting professional, Anna Phan, Esq., excels in navigating the complexities of personal tax law, tax resolution, and debt negotiation. Ms. Phan currently is the lead tax attorney for three tax firms. She possesses a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Law with a minor in Accounting from California State University, Fullerton. She started her law career at the University of San Diego School of Law and obtained her degree from Trinity Law School. Currently, she is on track to become a certified public accountant by the end of 2023, making her a tax attorney and a CPA.

 Apart from her demanding career, Ms. Phan demonstrates a strong commitment to her community through various volunteer initiatives. She is a board member of three non-profit animal rescues: OC Cat Fix, TonksFelineFoster, and CatNap. She's also an enthusiastic runner and globetrotter, finding both rejuvenation and inspiration in her diverse interests.